
1.0 KiB

Flash light / alarm light controller


This app controls a turning flash light by controlling a motor driver. This could be used as a generic motor driver app as well, but so far it isn't. ;-)

Hardware used:

  • Wemos ESP8266 (any should work)
  • Wemos Motor Driver

Be aware, that the Wemos Motor Driver is delivered with a software bug, that stalls the driver, after which it does not accept any further commands until it is reset again. You may fix this by applying a software update to the Motor Driver board, see https://hackaday.io/project/18439-motor-shield-reprogramming or https://oberguru.net/elektronik/wemos/wemos-motor-shield.html. Nevertheless, this software has been changed to cope with the bug, thus it should work even with the buggy firmware installed.

How to install this app

  • Install and start mos tool
  • Switch to the Project page, find and import this app, build and flash it: