"""Utilities for label generation.
stolen from: https://github.com/Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry/blabel
import base64
from io import BytesIO
import datetime
import textwrap
from math import floor
import PIL.Image
import barcode as python_barcode
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import labelprinter
def now(fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"):
"""Display the current time.
Default format is "year-month-day hour:minute" but another format can be
provided (see ``datetime`` docs for date formatting).
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if fmt is not None:
now = now.strftime(fmt)
return now
def pil_to_html_imgdata(img, fmt='PNG'):
"""Convert a PIL image into HTML-displayable data.
The result is a string ```` which you
can provide as a "src" parameter to a ``
`` tag.
>>> data = pil_to_html_imgdata(my_pil_img)
>>> html_data = '
' % data
buffered = BytesIO()
img.save(buffered, format=fmt)
img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
prefix = 'data:image/%s;charset=utf-8;base64,' % fmt.lower()
return prefix + img_str.decode()
def wrap(text, col_width):
"""Breaks the text into lines with at maximum 'col_width' characters."""
return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(text, col_width))
def container_label(data, barcode_class='code128', fmt='png', logo_file='./static/images/djlogo256.png',
owner_name='Dirk Jahnke', description='', description_line2='', **options):
"""Return a barcode's image data.
Powered by the Python library ``python-barcode``. See this library's
documentation for more details.
Data to be encoded in the datamatrix.
Class/standard to use to encode the data. Different standards have
different constraints.
The format to be used when rendering the resulting image
png -> png image
svg -> embeddable code for html img tag
File path to logo file to be included
Name of owner printed underneath the logo
Text to be printed on bottom of the label
Various options for the writer to tune the appearance of the barcode
(see python-barcode documentation).
A string ```` which you can provide as a
"src" parameter to a ``
`` tag.
>>> data = barcode('EGF12134', barcode_class='code128')
>>> html_data = '
' % data
Examples of writer options:
>>> { 'background': 'white',
>>> 'font_size': 10,
>>> 'foreground': 'black',
>>> 'module_height': 15.0,
>>> 'module_width': 0.2,
>>> 'quiet_zone': 6.5,
>>> 'text': '',
>>> 'text_distance': 5.0,
>>> 'write_text': True
>>> }
with Image.open(logo_file) as logo_img:
font_size = 22
font_size_small = 16
owner_name_font_size = 26
logo_img = logo_img.resize((128, 128))
logo_img = logo_img.convert('L')
threshold = 20
logo_img = logo_img.point(lambda p: 255 if p < threshold else 0)
logo_img = logo_img.convert('1')
constructor = python_barcode.get_barcode_class(barcode_class)
data = str(data).zfill(constructor.digits)
writer = {
'svg': python_barcode.writer.ImageWriter,
'png': python_barcode.writer.ImageWriter,
'image': python_barcode.writer.ImageWriter
barcode_img = constructor(data, writer=writer())
writer_options = {
'font_size': 24,
'module_width': 0.25,
'module_height': 10,
'quiet_zone': 3,
'text_distance': 1.0
img = barcode_img.render(writer_options=writer_options)
barcode_xsize, barcode_ysize = img.size
logo_xsize, logo_ysize = logo_img.size
label_xsize = 696
label_ysize = barcode_ysize + font_size if description_line2 == '' else barcode_ysize + 2 * font_size
result_img = Image.new('1', (label_xsize, label_ysize), 1)
result_img.paste(logo_img, (owner_name_font_size + 10, floor(barcode_ysize / 2) - 20 - floor(logo_ysize / 2)))
start_x_for_barcode = logo_xsize + 10
max_x_for_barcode = 696 - start_x_for_barcode
result_img.paste(img, (start_x_for_barcode + floor((max_x_for_barcode - barcode_xsize) / 2), 5))
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("./static/fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf", font_size)
owner_name_fnt = ImageFont.truetype("./static/fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf", owner_name_font_size)
owner_text_img = Image.new('1', (floor(owner_name_fnt.getlength(owner_name)+1), owner_name_font_size+5), 1)
d = ImageDraw.Draw(owner_text_img)
d.text((0,0), owner_name, font=owner_name_fnt)
owner_text_img = owner_text_img.transpose(PIL.Image.ROTATE_90)
result_img.paste(owner_text_img, (0, 10))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(result_img)
#d.text((20, logo_ysize), owner_name, font=fnt)
if fnt.getlength(description) > 660:
fnt_small = ImageFont.truetype("./static/fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf", font_size_small)
d.text((0, barcode_ysize), description, font=fnt_small)
if description_line2 != '':
d.text((0, barcode_ysize + font_size), description_line2, font=fnt_small)
#d.text((30 + floor((660 - fnt.getlength(description)) / 2), barcode_ysize), description, font=fnt)
d.text((0, barcode_ysize), description, font=fnt)
if description_line2 != '':
d.text((0, barcode_ysize + font_size), description_line2, font=fnt)
if fmt == 'image':
return result_img
elif fmt == 'png':
return pil_to_html_imgdata(result_img, fmt='PNG')
prefix = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,"
return prefix + base64.b64encode(result_img).decode()