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2018-03-18 16:04:13 +00:00
author: Dirk Jahnke
description: Flash light / alarm controller
version: 1.0
libs_version: ${mos.version}
modules_version: ${mos.version}
mongoose_os_version: ${mos.version}
# Optional. List of tags for online search.
- c
# List of files / directories with C sources. No slashes at the end of dir names.
- src
# List of dirs. Files from these dirs will be copied to the device filesystem
- fs
# Custom configuration entries, settable via "device configuration"
# Below is a custom firmware configuration example.
# Uncomment and modify according to your needs:
# - ["my_app", "o", {title: "My app custom settings"}]
# - ["my_app.bool_value", "b", false, {title: "Some boolean value"}]
# - ["my_app.string_value", "s", "", {title: "Some string value"}]
# - ["my_app.int_value", "i", 123, {title: "Some integer value"}]
- ["i2c.enable", true]
- ["i2c.freq", 400]
2018-03-18 16:04:13 +00:00
- ["i2c.sda_gpio", 4] # D2
- ["i2c.scl_gpio", 5] # D1
- ["flashLight", "o", {title: "Flash light / alarm light settings"}]
- ["flashLight.address", "i", 0x30, {title: "i2c address of motor controller TB6612 (e.g. WEMOS)"}]
- ["flashLight.motorFrequency", "i", 500, {title: "Frequency of PWM in Hz"}]
- ["flashLight.motorUpdateTime", "i", 50, {title: "Time between motor updates in msec"}]
2018-03-18 21:38:25 +00:00
- ["flashLight.mqttCtrlTopic", "s", "flashLight/%s/ctrl", {title: "MQTT channel to subscribe to receive commands; %s is replaced by clientId"}]
- ["flashLight.mqttStatusTopic", "s", "flashLight/%s/status", {title: "MQTT channel to publish to send status change infos; %s is replaced by clientId"}]
- ["mqtt.enable", true]
- ["mqtt.server", "mqtt.pmpark.de:1883"]
2018-03-18 21:38:25 +00:00
- ["mqtt.user", "default"]
- ["mqtt.pass", "12345678"]
- ["mqtt.will_message", "offline"]
- ["mqtt.will_topic", "flashLight/"]
2018-03-18 16:04:13 +00:00
- ["sntp.enable", true]
- ["sntp.server", "time.google.com"]
2018-03-18 16:04:13 +00:00
# These settings get compiled into the C structure, and can be accessed
# from the C code this way:
# printf("Hello from %s!\n", mgos_sys_config_get_device_id());
# Settings are cool: can be modified remotely without full firmware upgrade!
# To see all available compiled settings, buid the firmware and open
# build/gen/mgos_config.h file.
# Also, in this config_schema section, you can override existing
# settings that has been created by other libraries. For example, debug log
# level is 2 by default. For this firmware we can override it to 3:
# config_schema:
# - ["debug.level", 3]
# List of libraries used by this app, in order of initialisation
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/ca-bundle
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-service-config
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-service-fs
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-uart
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/i2c
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/spi
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/wifi
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/http-server
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-loopback
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-mqtt
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-service-ota
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/rpc-service-cron
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/crontab
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/dash
- origin: https://github.com/mongoose-os-libs/sntp
2018-03-18 16:04:13 +00:00
# Used by the mos tool to catch mos binaries incompatible with this file format
manifest_version: 2017-05-18