# Fastclock Client ## Model Railroad Fastclock Client ### Hardware Prerequisites - ESP8266 or ESP32, e.g. Wemos Mini D1 - OLED Display 64x48 (Wemos shield) - Battery (LiIon) support ### Software Prerequisites - Uses the ssd1306dj library, which is derived from Adafruit to support 64x48 resolution - Fastclock Server (WLAN/Network based) - Mongoose installed (being able to start "mos" on the command line) ### Howto flash Standard procedure, as with any other App. - git clone this repo - git clone the ssd1306dj library, use following file structure - .../libs/ssd1306dj/... - .../fastclockClient/... - .../fastclockServer/... - build locally: mos build --local && mos flash