372 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
372 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
/* animateLights.js
* LED animation for house lightning
let floor = ffi('double floor(double)');
let colors = {
black: {r:0, g:0, b:0},
red: {r:255, g:0, b:0},
green: {r:0, g:255, b:0},
blue: {r:0, g:0, b:255},
yellow: {r:255, g:255, b:0},
orange: {r:255, g:127, b:0},
purple: {r:255, g:0, b:255},
white: {r:255, g:255, b:255},
dimmedWhite: {r:50, g:50, b:50}
let LightAnimation = {
numberOfBulbs: 22,
ledPin: 2,
that: this,
running: false,
mode: "demo", // "demo", "stop", "animate"
generalBrightness: 30, // percentage, value 0..100
description: "Default house lightning",
defaultColor: colors.dimmedWhite,
defaultMode: "demo",
tickResolution: 1000, // number of milliseconds between ticks
currentTick: 0,
animationConfig: {}, // overwritten when loading animationConfig.js
colorSequence: [
adjustBrightness: function (value) { return floor(value / LightAnimation.generalBrightness); },
changeMode: function (newMode) {
if (newMode === "animate") {
LightAnimation.running = true;
LightAnimation.mode = "start-animate"; // through transient mode start-animate to animate
} else
if (newMode === "stop") {
LightAnimation.running = true; // first we want to turn off LEDs, thus needs stop-mode but running
LightAnimation.mode = "stop";
} else
if (newMode === "demo") {
LightAnimation.mode = "demo";
LightAnimation.running = true;
} else
if (newMode === "cycle") {
LightAnimation.mode = "cycle";
LightAnimation.running = true;
} else
print("IGNORED: changeMode called with invalid mode = ", newMode);
updateAnimationConfig: function (config) {
LightAnimation.animationConfig = JSON.parse(config);
return LightAnimation.verifyAnimationConfig();
verifyAnimationConfig: function() {
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.comment === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / comment not found'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / lights definition not found'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[0] === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / lights is not an array?'};
let i;
for (i=0; i<LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights.length; ++i) {
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[i].level === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / level missing in lights definition'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[i].room === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / room missing in lights definition'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[i].on === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / on missing in lights definition'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[i].on[0] === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / on not an array in lights definition?'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[i].on.length !== 3) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / on must have 3 elements for R/G/B in lights definition?'};
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights[i].id === undefined) {
return {error: 'config is incomplete or invalid / id missing in lights definition'};
return {result: 'ok'};
findNextAnimationStep: function (lightIndex, afterStep) {
let i = afterStep + 1;
for (i=afterStep + 1; i<LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation.length; ++i) {
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i].lightsIndex === lightIndex)
return i;
// nothing found, thus start from the beginning
for (i=0; i<=afterStep; ++i) {
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i].lightsIndex === lightIndex)
return i;
// nothing found again, thus it seems, there is no config for this lightIndex
return -1;
// load("animationConfig.js", LightAnimation);
LightAnimation.animationConfig = {
"comment": "lights.cfg / JSON",
"lights": [
{ "level":"EG", "room":"Wohnzimmer", "on":[200,200,200], "id":"EG-WoZi" }
"animation": [
{ "lightsIndex": 2, "stepType": "on", "time": 1, "comment": "Fr. S. wacht auf" }
// print(LightAnimation.verifyAnimationConfig());
print("Initialize neoPixel");
let colorOrder = NeoPixel.GRB;
let strip = NeoPixel.create(LightAnimation.ledPin, LightAnimation.numberOfBulbs, colorOrder);
let i = 0;
// initialize test pattern
for (i=0; i<LightAnimation.numberOfBulbs; ++i) {
if (i % 2) {
strip.setPixel(i, 80, 20, 20);
} else {
strip.setPixel(i, 20, 80, 20);
// Add RPC handlers
print("Initialize RPC Handlers");
RPC.addHandler('HouseLightning.Start', function(args) {
return {result: 'ok'};
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('HouseLightning.Stop', function(args) {
return {result: 'ok'};
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('HouseLightning.DemoMode', function(args) {
return {result: 'ok'};
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('HouseLightning.CycleMode', function(args) {
return {result: 'ok'};
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('HouseLightning.GetAnimationConfig', function(args) {
return LightAnimation.animationConfig;
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('HouseLightning.SetAnimationConfig', function(args) {
if (args !== undefined && args.config !== undefined) {
return LightAnimation.updateAnimationConfig(args.config);
} else {
return {error: 'parameter config is required'};
}, null);
function demoAnimation(strip, shiftBy) {
let i=0, colorIndex=0, color;
for (i=0; i<LightAnimation.numberOfBulbs; ++i) {
colorIndex = shiftBy % LightAnimation.colorSequence.length;
color = LightAnimation.colorSequence[colorIndex];
strip.setPixel(i, LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(color.r), LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(color.g), LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(color.b));
// print("runNeo shift =", shiftBy, ", colorIndex =", colorIndex, ", r =", color.r, ", g =", color.g, ", b =", color.b);
// initialize module
let configString = "";
/*configString = File.read("lights.cfg");
if (configString === "" || configString === null) configString = "***default***";
// print("configString = ", configString);
LightAnimation.animationConfig = JSON.parse(configString);
configString = null;*/
// LightAnimation.animationConfig = animationConfig;
// print("LightAnimation.animationConfig = ", JSON.stringify(LightAnimation.animationConfig));
print("Animation length: ", LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation.length);
// initialize internal data structure
let defaultLEDstate = {
index: 0, // LED #
nextTick: 0, // next action necessary on tick #
rampTickDelta: 0, // to be added on nextTick for Ramp-Animation
mode: "off", // "on", "off", "blink", "tv", "fire", "welding"
currentLEDCtrl: 0, // index on LEDCtrl[LEDnum][...]
numLEDCtrl: 0, // number of LEDCtrl entries for this bulb
modeStep: 0, // dependent on mode to ctrl animation details
clockEndHours: 23, // time, this animation should end
clockEndMinutes: 59,
currentRed: colors.dimmedWhite.r, currentGreen: colors.dimmedWhite.g, currentBlue: colors.dimmedWhite.b,
onRed: colors.dimmedWhite.r, onGreen: colors.dimmedWhite.g, onBlue: colors.dimmedWhite.b,
targetRed: 0, targetGreen: 0, targetBlue: 0,
currentAnimationStep:0 // animation step in LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[step]
let LEDstate = [];
for (i=0; i<1/*LightAnimation.numberOfBulbs*/; ++i) {
print("Init LEDstate", i, ", free RAM ", Sys.free_ram());
LEDstate[i] =Object.create(defaultLEDstate);
LEDstate[i].index = i;
LEDstate[i].nextTick = defaultLEDstate.nextTick;
LEDstate[i].rampTickDelta = defaultLEDstate.rampTickDelta;
LEDstate[i].mode = defaultLEDstate.mode;
LEDstate[i].currentLEDCtrl = defaultLEDstate.currentLEDCtrl;
LEDstate[i].numLEDCtrl = defaultLEDstate.numLEDCtrl;
LEDstate[i].modeStep = defaultLEDstate.modeStep;
LEDstate[i].clockEndHours = defaultLEDstate.clockEndHours;
LEDstate[i].clockEndMinutes = defaultLEDstate.clockEndMinutes;
LEDstate[i].currentRed = defaultLEDstate.currentRed;
LEDstate[i].currentGreen = defaultLEDstate.currentGreen;
LEDstate[i].currentBlue = defaultLEDstate.currentBlue;
LEDstate[i].targetRed = defaultLEDstate.targetRed;
LEDstate[i].targetGreen = defaultLEDstate.targetGreen;
LEDstate[i].targetBlue = defaultLEDstate.targetBlue;
LEDstate[i].onRed = defaultLEDstate.onRed; //LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights.on[0];
LEDstate[i].onGreen = defaultLEDstate.onGreen; //LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights.on[1];
LEDstate[i].onBlue = defaultLEDstate.onBlue; //LightAnimation.animationConfig.lights.on[2];
// LEDstate[i].currentAnimationStep = LightAnimation.findNextAnimationStep(i, -1);
print("LEDstate index0=", LEDstate[0].index, ", index1=", LEDstate[1].index);
print("LEDstate=", JSON.stringify(LEDstate));
function animateBulb(bulb, currentTick) {
if (LEDstate[bulb].mode === "on") {
strip.setPixel(bulb, LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(LEDstate[bulb].currentRed), LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(LEDstate[bulb].currentGreen), LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(LEDstate[bulb].currentBlue));
} else
if (LEDstate[bulb].mode === "off") {
strip.setPixel(bulb, 0, 0, 0);
} else print ("animateBulb: mode not yet implemented - ", LEDstate[bulb].mode);
let shiftAnimation = 1; // needed for demo mode
function animateTick() {
// started for every single ticks; does all changes necessary according to animation configuration
if (LightAnimation.running) {
if (LightAnimation.mode === "demo") {
demoAnimation(strip, shiftAnimation);
// print("*** demo-mode, next shift=", shiftAnimation);
} else if (LightAnimation.mode === "stop") {
LightAnimation.running = false;
print("*** stopped");
} else if (LightAnimation.mode === "start-animate") {
LightAnimation.running = true;
LightAnimation.mode = "animate";
print("*** started");
} else if (LightAnimation.mode === "animate") {
// do animation step changes
for (i=0; i<LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation.length; ++i) {
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i].time === animateTick) {
// activate new state
let bulbIndex = LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i].lightsIndex;
let nextAnimationStep = LightAnimation.findNextAnimationStep(bulbIndex, LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentAnimationStep);
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentAnimationStep = nextAnimationStep;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].nextTick = LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[nextAnimationStep].time;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].mode = LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[nextAnimationStep].stepType;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].modeStep = 0; // reset to start
if (LEDstate[bulbIndex].mode === "off") {
LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetRed = 0;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetGreen = 0;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetBlue = 0;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentRed = LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetRed;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentGreen = LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetGreen;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentBlue = LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetBlue;
} else
if (LEDstate[bulbIndex].mode === "on") {
LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetRed = LEDstate[bulbIndex].onRed;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetGreen = LEDstate[bulbIndex].onGreen;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetBlue = LEDstate[bulbIndex].onBlue;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentRed = LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetRed;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentGreen = LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetGreen;
LEDstate[bulbIndex].currentBlue = LEDstate[bulbIndex].targetBlue;
} else
print("ERROR: Unsupported mode in LEDstate[", bulbIndex, "].mode=", LEDstate[bulbIndex].mode);
// updateBulbAnimation(bulbIndex, animateTick, LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i]);
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i].stepType === "on") {
LEDstate[bulbIndex].mode = "on";
strip.setPixel(bulbIndex, LEDstate[bulbIndex].defaultColor.r, LEDstate[bulbIndex].defaultColor.g, LEDstate[bulbIndex].defaultColor.b);
} else
if (LightAnimation.animationConfig.animation[i].stepType === "off") {
LEDstate[LightAnimation.lightsIndex].mode = "off";
strip.setPixel(LightAnimation.lightsIndex, 0, 0, 0);
} else print("*** animation stepType not implemented: ", LightAnimation.animationConfig[i].stepType);
// do microanimation
for (i=0; i<LightAnimation.numberOfBulbs; ++i) {
animateBulb(i, LightAnimation.currentTick);
if (LightAnimation.currentTick >= LEDstate[i].nextTick) {
// update this animated bulb
// strip.setPixel called in animateBulb
// strip.setPixel(i, LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(LEDstate[i].currentRed), LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(LEDstate[i].currentGreen), LightAnimation.adjustBrightness(LEDstate[i].currentBlue));
} else print("*** Unknown LightAnimation.mode =", LightAnimation.mode);
// Garbage collection before startup, full=true --> reclaim RAM to OS
print("Initialize timer, start in 5 seconds");
// Show start pattern for 5 seconds, then switch to default colors
Timer.set(5000 /* msec */, false /* repeat */, function() {
print("START animation");
for (i=0; i<LightAnimation.numberOfBulbs; ++i) {
strip.setPixel(i, LightAnimation.defaultColor.r, LightAnimation.defaultColor.g, LightAnimation.defaultColor.b);
Timer.set(LightAnimation.tickResolution, true /* repeat */, animateTick, null);
}, null);