320 lines
11 KiB
320 lines
11 KiB
// Helper C function get_led_gpio_pin() in src/main.c returns built-in LED GPIO
let onBoardLed = ffi('int get_led_gpio_pin(void)')();
let button = Cfg.get('pins.button');
let topic = '/devices/' + Cfg.get('device.id') + '/events';
print('LED GPIO:', onBoardLed, 'button GPIO:', button);
let getInfo = function() {
return JSON.stringify({
total_ram: Sys.total_ram(),
free_ram: Sys.free_ram(),
uptime: Sys.uptime()
// Blink built-in LED every second
GPIO.set_mode(onBoardLed, GPIO.MODE_OUTPUT);
Timer.set(5000, true, function() {
let value = GPIO.toggle(onBoardLed);
print(value ? 'Tick' : 'Tock', 'uptime:', Sys.uptime(), getInfo());
}, null);
// Publish to MQTT topic on a button press. Button is wired to GPIO pin 0
GPIO.set_button_handler(button, GPIO.PULL_UP, GPIO.INT_EDGE_NEG, 200, function() {
let message = getInfo();
let ok = MQTT.pub(topic, message, 1);
print('Published:', ok, topic, '->', message);
}, null);
// Monitor network connectivity.
Net.setStatusEventHandler(function(ev, arg) {
let evs = '???';
} else if (ev === Net.STATUS_CONNECTING) {
} else if (ev === Net.STATUS_CONNECTED) {
evs = 'CONNECTED';
} else if (ev === Net.STATUS_GOT_IP) {
evs = 'GOT_IP';
print('==> NET:', ev, evs);
}, null);
// Initialize LED controller
let addColor = ffi('void addColor(char *,int,int,int)');
let addLedDefinition = ffi('void addLedDefinition(char *, char *, char *, char *)');
let addAnimationStep = ffi('void addAnimationStep(int, char *, int)');
let LEDMode_on=1, LEDMode_off=2, LEDMode_blink=3, LEDMode_tv=4, LEDMode_fire=5;
let LEDStateEngine_init = ffi('void LEDStateEngine_init(int)');
let LEDStateEngine_start = ffi('void startLEDStateEngine(void)');
let LEDStateEngine_pause = ffi('void pauseLEDStateEngine(void)');
let LEDState_getRed = ffi('int LEDState_getLedRed(int)');
let LEDState_getGreen = ffi('int LEDState_getLedGreen(int)');
let LEDState_getBlue = ffi('int LEDState_getLedBlue(int)');
let LEDState_getColorName = ffi('char * LEDState_getLedColorName(int)');
let LEDState_getNextTick = ffi('int LEDState_getNextTick(int)');
let LEDState_getCurrentTick = ffi('int LEDState_getCurrentTick(int)');
let LEDDefinition_getLevel = ffi('char *LEDDefinition_getLevel(int)');
let LEDDefinition_getRoom = ffi('char *LEDDefinition_getRoom(int)');
let LEDDefinition_getId = ffi('char *LEDDefinition_getId(int)');
let LEDDefinition_getOnColorRed = ffi('int LEDDefinition_getOnColorRed(int)');
let LEDDefinition_getOnColorGreen = ffi('int LEDDefinition_getOnColorGreen(int)');
let LEDDefinition_getOnColorBlue = ffi('int LEDDefinition_getOnColorBlue(int)');
let getTicks = ffi('int getTicks(void)');
let printColor = ffi('void printColor(char *)');
let pin = Cfg.get('led.pin');
let numPixels = Cfg.get('led.count');
let colorOrder = NeoPixel.GRB;
let strip = NeoPixel.create(pin, numPixels, colorOrder);
let colorFile = Cfg.get('led.colorFile');
let animationFile = Cfg.get('led.animationFile');
let lampsFile = Cfg.get('led.lampsFile');
let useDefaults = Cfg.get('led.useDefaults');
let updateCycle = Cfg.get('led.updateCycle');
let tickDuration = Cfg.get('led.tickDuration');
let brightnessAdjustment = Cfg.get('led.brightness');
let numberOfLeds = 0; // from config files, count led definition entries
/* Create test pattern */
function createLedTestPattern() {
let i;
let switchMod;
for (i=0; i<numPixels; ++i) {
switchMod = i - 6 * Math.floor(i/6);
if (switchMod === 0) strip.setPixel(i, 10, 10, 10);
if (switchMod === 1) strip.setPixel(i, 10, 10, 10);
if (switchMod === 2) strip.setPixel(i, 10, 100, 0);
if (switchMod === 3) strip.setPixel(i, 0, 10, 0);
if (switchMod === 4) strip.setPixel(i, 0, 10, 10);
if (switchMod === 5) strip.setPixel(i, 0, 0, 10);
if (switchMod < 0 || switchMod > 5) print("WRONG -- should never reach this in switch statement!");
function allLedOn() {
let i;
for (i=0; i<numPixels; ++i) {
strip.setPixel(i, 10, 10, 10);
function allLedOff() {
function adjustBrightness(value) {
return Math.floor(value * brightnessAdjustment/100);
// initialize LEDs
// ===============
print('***** Start initialization', getInfo());
let i;
if (useDefaults) {
print('Using default color definition');
numberOfLeds = numPixels;
} else {
// Load Color definitions
let json = File.read(colorFile);
let colors = [];
print('colorJson =', json);
if (json === '') {
print('ERROR: Color definition file does not exist!');
} else {
colors = JSON.parse(json);
for (i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) {
print('- addColor', colors[i].name, colors[i].red, colors[i].green, colors[i].blue);
addColor(colors[i].name, colors[i].red, colors[i].green, colors[i].blue);
json = null;
// colors = null; // NO! Do not do this, as the strings are still referenced!
// Load LED Definitions
let json = File.read(lampsFile);
let ledDef = [];
print('lampsFile =', json);
if (json === '') {
print('ERROR: LED definition file does not exist!');
} else {
ledDef = JSON.parse(json);
for (i=0; i<ledDef.length; ++i) {
print('- addLedDefinition', ledDef[i].level, ledDef[i].room, ledDef[i].id, ledDef[i].onColor);
addLedDefinition(ledDef[i].level, ledDef[i].room, ledDef[i].id, ledDef[i].onColor);
// printColor(ledDef[i].onColor);
json = null;
// ledDef = null; // NO! Do not do this, as the strings are still referenced!
// Load Animation Definitions
let json = File.read(animationFile);
let animation = [];
print('animationFile =', json);
if (json === '') {
print('ERROR: Animation definition file does not exist!');
} else {
animation = JSON.parse(json);
for (i=0; i<animation.length; ++i) {
print('- addAnimationStep', animation[i].led, animation[i].mode, animation[i].ticks);
addAnimationStep(animation[i].led, animation[i].mode, animation[i].ticks);
json = null;
// Initialize LED State Engine
print('***** End of initialization', getInfo());
print('LedPin:', pin);
print('NumLEDs:', numberOfLeds);
print('Ticks:', getTicks());
print('Tick duration:', tickDuration, 'ms');
print('LED Update Cycle:', updateCycle, 'ms');
print('Brightness:', brightnessAdjustment, '%');
print('LED', 'Color', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'Tick', 'Level', 'Room', 'Id');
print('---', '-----', '---', '---', '-----', '---', '-----', '----', '--');
for (i=0; i<numberOfLeds; ++i) {
// print(i, LEDState_getRed(i), LEDState_getGreen(i), LEDState_getBlue(i), LEDState_getCurrentTick(i), LEDDefinition_getLevel(i), LEDDefinition_getRoom(i), LEDDefinition_getId(i))
print(i, LEDState_getColorName(i), adjustBrightness(LEDDefinition_getOnColorRed(i)), adjustBrightness(LEDDefinition_getOnColorGreen(i)), adjustBrightness(LEDDefinition_getOnColorBlue(i), LEDState_getCurrentTick(i), LEDDefinition_getLevel(i), LEDDefinition_getRoom(i), LEDDefinition_getId(i)));
print('***** Wait 1 second for other tasks to startup', getInfo());
Timer.set(1000, false, function() {
print('***** LED test pattern', getInfo());
Timer.set(1000, false, function() {
print('***** Start LED state engine and LED-update timer', getInfo());
Timer.set(updateCycle, true, function () {
let i;
for (i=0; i<numberOfLeds; ++i) {
strip.setPixel(i, adjustBrightness(LEDState_getRed(i)), adjustBrightness(LEDState_getGreen(i)), adjustBrightness(LEDState_getBlue(i)));
}, null);
}, null);
}, null);
print('***** End of init.js, sub tasks still running', getInfo());
/* ------ RPC Handlers ------- */
RPC.addHandler('led.setBrightness', function(args) {
// print(args);
if (args !== undefined && args.level !== undefined) {
if (args.level > 0 && args.level <= 100) {
brightnessAdjustment = args.level;
return { result: 'ok' };
} else {
return { error: 'Brightness level must be in the range 1..100' };
} else {
return { error: 'level is required having a value in the range 1..100' };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.pause', function(args) {
return { result: 'ok' };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.run', function(args) {
return { result: 'ok' };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.getColors', function(args) {
let colors = JSON.parse(File.read(colorFile));
return { result: 'ok', colors: colors };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.getLamps', function(args) {
let lamps = JSON.parse(File.read(lampsFile));
return { result: 'ok', lamps: lamps };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.getAnimations', function(args) {
let anims = JSON.parse(File.read(animationFile));
return { result: 'ok', animations: anims };
}, null);
function saveFile(filename, content) {
let backupFilename = 'bak-' + filename;
File.rename(filename, backupFilename);
File.write(JSON.stringify(content), filename);
let backupFilename = null;
function recoverFile(filename) {
let newerFilename = 'new-' + filename;
let backupFilename = 'bak-' + filename;
let bakFileContent = File.read(backupFilename);
if (bakFileContent === '') {
Log.error('recoverFile(' + filename + '): Backup file ' + backupFilename + ' does not exist or is empty');
File.rename(filename, newerFilename);
File.rename(backupFilename, filename);
RPC.addHandler('led.putColors', function(args) {
if (args !== undefined && args.colors !== undefined) {
saveFile(colorFile, args.colors);
return { result: 'ok' };
} else {
return { error: 'colors: {name, red, green, blue} is required' };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.putLamps', function(args) {
if (args !== undefined && args.lamps !== undefined) {
saveFile(lampsFile, args.lamps);
return { result: 'ok' };
} else {
return { error: 'lamps: {level, room, id, onColor} is required' };
}, null);
RPC.addHandler('led.putAnimations', function(args) {
if (args !== undefined && args.animations !== undefined) {
saveFile(animationFile, args.animations);
return { result: 'ok' };
} else {
return { error: 'animations: {led, mode, ticks} is required' };
}, null);