Wemos8266RelaysLedDisplay/lib/MD_MAX72XX/Font Builder/src/txt2font/txt2font.c

377 lines
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// Text 2 Font for MD_MAX72xx library
// Quick and not very robust code to create a font definition data table for the
// MD_MAX72xx library from a text file representation. The text file has '.' commands
// to direct how the definition is structured.
#include "txt2font.h"
//#define DEBUG
#define DECIMAL_DATA 0 // decimal or hex data selection in font tables
// Global data ---------------
Global_t G;
ASCIIDef_t font[ASCII_SIZE] = { 0 };
// Code ----------------------
void usage(void)
printf("\nusage: txt2font <root_name>\n");
printf("\n\ninput file <root_name>.txt");
printf("\noutput file <root_name>.h");
int cmdLine(int argc, char *argv[])
// process the command line parameter
if (argc != 2)
strcpy(G.fileRoot, argv[1]);
int initialise(void)
// one time initialisation code
char szFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE];
// we have no font definition
for (int i=0; i<ASCII_SIZE; i++)
font[i].comment[0] = NUL;
font[i].size = 0;
font[i].buf = NULL;
// open the file for reading
strcpy(szFile, G.fileRoot);
strcat(szFile, IN_FILE_EXT);
if ((G.fpIn = fopen(szFile, "r")) == NULL)
printf("\nCannot open input ""%s\n""", szFile);
// open the file for writing
strcpy(szFile, G.fileRoot);
strcat(szFile, OUT_FILE_EXT);
if ((G.fpOut = fopen(szFile, "w")) == NULL)
printf("\nCannot open output ""%s\n""", szFile);
// other stuff
G.name[0] = NUL;
G.doubleHeight = 0;
G.fixedWidth = 0;
G.fontHeight = 8;
void trimBuffer(char *buf)
// trim the buffer specified of all trailing white space
int i = strlen(buf)-1;
while (i > 0 && isspace(buf[i]))
buf[i--] = NUL;
void padBuffer(char *buf, unsigned int len)
// pad the supplied buffer with spaces up to the length specified
if (strlen(buf) < len)
for (unsigned int j=strlen(buf); j<len; j++)
buf[j] = SPACE;
buf[len] = NUL;
unsigned int normaliseBuffers(void)
// normalize all the input buffers to the same size
unsigned int max = 0;
if (G.fixedWidth == 0)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<G.bufSize; i++)
max = max < strlen(G.buf[i]) ? max = strlen(G.buf[i]) : max;
max = G.fixedWidth;
// now make them all the same size
for (unsigned int i=0; i<G.bufSize; i++)
padBuffer(G.buf[i], max);
char *getToken(char *buf)
// isolate the first token in the buffer and return a pointer to the next non white space after the token
while (!isspace(*buf))
*buf++ = NUL;
while (isspace(*buf))
void createFontChar(void)
// the font definition strings are created as columns, so each byte will be a 'vertical'
// stripe of the input buffers.
font[G.curCode].size = normaliseBuffers(); // make everything the same length; this is the width of the character
// allocate memory for the font data
if (font[G.curCode].buf != NULL)
font[G.curCode].buf = malloc(font[G.curCode].size * sizeof(*font[0].buf));
// if double height, check the upper buffers and also copy the font data across
if (G.doubleHeight)
if (font[G.curCode+DOUBLE_HEIGHT_OFFSET].buf != NULL)
font[G.curCode+DOUBLE_HEIGHT_OFFSET].buf = malloc(font[G.curCode].size * sizeof(*font[0].buf));
font[G.curCode+DOUBLE_HEIGHT_OFFSET].size = font[G.curCode].size;
strcpy(font[G.curCode+DOUBLE_HEIGHT_OFFSET].comment, font[G.curCode].comment);
// process the input strings in parallel [j] to create the column definition [i] for the first character
for (unsigned int i=0; i<font[G.curCode].size; i++)
unsigned int colL, colH;
if (G.doubleHeight) // if we are double height, write lower and upper halves separately
colL = colH = 0;
// high half of character stored in upper ASCII value, but in low buffers
// low half of character stored in lower ASCII value, but in high buffers
for (unsigned int j=0; j<SINGLE_HEIGHT; j++)
colH |= (G.buf[j][i] == SPACE) ? 0 : (1 << j);
colL |= (G.buf[j+SINGLE_HEIGHT][i] == SPACE) ? 0 : (1 << j);
font[G.curCode+DOUBLE_HEIGHT_OFFSET].buf[i] = colH;
font[G.curCode].buf[i] = colL;
colL = 0;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<SINGLE_HEIGHT; j++)
colL |= (G.buf[j][i] == SPACE) ? 0 : (1 << j);
// save the column data
font[G.curCode].buf[i] = colL;
void readInput(void)
// read the input file and process line by line
char c, *cp, inLine[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
cp = inLine;
while ((c = getc(G.fpIn)) != EOF)
if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') // not end of line
*cp++ = c;
// we are at end of line, process the line
*cp = NUL;
if (inLine[0] != DOT) // not a command? must be a chr definition line
if (G.curBuf < (SINGLE_HEIGHT*2))
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\nC%02x L%d\t%s", G.curCode, G.curBuf, inLine);
strcpy(G.buf[G.curBuf++], inLine); // save the buffer
cp = getToken(&inLine[1]);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\nToken: '%s' - '%s'", inLine, cp);
if (strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_NAME) == 0)
strcpy(G.name, cp);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\tfont name: '%s'", G.name);
else if (strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_FONTHIGH) == 0)
G.fontHeight = abs(atoi(cp));
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\tfont height: %d", G.fontHeight);
else if (strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_HEIGHT) == 0)
G.doubleHeight = (*cp=='1' ? 0 : 1);
G.bufSize = (*cp=='1' ? SINGLE_HEIGHT : SINGLE_HEIGHT*2);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\tdouble height: %d", G.doubleHeight);
else if (strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_WIDTH) == 0)
G.fixedWidth = abs(atoi(cp));
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\twidth: %d", G.fixedWidth);
else if ((strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_CHAR) == 0) ||
(strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_END) == 0))
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\tend char %02x", G.curCode);
if (G.curBuf != 0) // we have buffers
// process the buffers into a font definition
// reset the character buffers
for (unsigned int i=0; i<G.bufSize; i++)
G.buf[i][0] = NUL;
// set up the new character if not at the end
if (strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_END) != 0)
G.curBuf = 0;
G.curCode = atoi(cp);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\t set up %02x", G.curCode);
if (G.curCode >= (G.doubleHeight ? ASCII_SIZE/2 : ASCII_SIZE))
G.curCode = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\t - boundary check fail");
font[G.curCode].comment[0] = NUL;
font[G.curCode].size = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\tend of definition");
else if (strcmp(&inLine[1], CMD_NOTE) == 0)
strcpy(font[G.curCode].comment, cp);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\tnote '%s' for char %02x", font[G.curCode].comment, G.curCode);
// reset for next line
cp = inLine;
memset(inLine, NUL, sizeof(inLine));
void saveOutput(void)
// save the current definition as a font definition header file
unsigned int minAscii = 0, maxAscii = 0;
// first parse the font table to work out the min and max ASCII values
for (int i=0; i<ASCII_SIZE; i++)
if (font[i].buf != NULL) maxAscii = i;
for (int i=maxAscii; i>=0; i--)
if (font[i].buf != NULL) minAscii = i;
fprintf(G.fpOut, "// Autogenerated font - '%s'\n", G.name);
fprintf(G.fpOut, "// %s height, ", (G.doubleHeight ? "Double" : "Single"));
if (G.fixedWidth == 0)
fprintf(G.fpOut, "Variable spaced");
fprintf(G.fpOut, "Fixed width (%d)", G.fixedWidth);
fprintf(G.fpOut, "\n\n");
fprintf(G.fpOut, "#pragma once\n\n");
fprintf(G.fpOut, "const uint8_t PROGMEM _%s[] = \n{\n", (G.name[0] == NUL) ? "font" : G.name);
fprintf(G.fpOut, "'F', 1, %d, %d, %d,\n", minAscii, maxAscii, G.fontHeight);
for (int i=minAscii; i<=maxAscii; i++)
fprintf(G.fpOut, "\t%d,", font[i].size);
if (font[i].buf != NULL)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<font[i].size; j++)
fprintf(G.fpOut, (DECIMAL_DATA ? "%d," : "0x%02x,"), font[i].buf[j]);
fprintf(G.fpOut, "\t// %d", i);
if (font[i].comment[0] != NUL)
fprintf(G.fpOut," - %s", font[i].comment);
fprintf(G.fpOut, "\n");
fprintf(G.fpOut, "}\n\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret;
if (cmdLine(argc, argv))
if ((ret = initialise()) != 0)
// read the input file
// write the output file
// close files and exit