#include "FSUpdater.h" #include #include void FSUpdater::freeMemory() { /* if (bom != NULL) free(bom); bom = NULL; */ if (bomBuffer != NULL) free(bomBuffer); bomBuffer = NULL; bomCounter = 0; errorMessage = String(); } void FSUpdater::manageFsOtaBom(String payload) { freeMemory(); //bom = malloc(sizeof(BomEntry) * MAX_FILES); bomBuffer = (char *) malloc(payload.length()+1); payload.toCharArray(bomBuffer, payload.length()+1); memset(bom, sizeof(BomEntry) * MAX_FILES_IN_BOM, 0); char *parsePtr = bomBuffer; // to start while (*parsePtr != 0) { bom[bomCounter].executionMark = *parsePtr; if (*parsePtr != ':') { errorMessage = String("Wrong seperation character ") + String(*parsePtr) + " at line " + String(bomCounter+1); return; } ++parsePtr; bom[bomCounter].localFilename = parsePtr; while (*parsePtr != ':' && *parsePtr != 0) ++parsePtr; *parsePtr++ = 0; // End of string for localFilename char *size_string = parsePtr; while (*parsePtr != ':' && *parsePtr != 0) ++parsePtr; *parsePtr++ = 0; // End of string for localFilename bom[bomCounter].filesize = atol(size_string); bom[bomCounter].md5 = parsePtr; while (*parsePtr != ':' && *parsePtr != 0) ++parsePtr; *parsePtr++ = 0; // End of string for localFilename bom[bomCounter].remoteFilename = parsePtr; while (*parsePtr != ':' && *parsePtr != 0 && *parsePtr != '\n' && *parsePtr != '\r') ++parsePtr; *parsePtr++ = 0; // End of string for localFilename // skip trailing characters if these are seperators or end of line while (*parsePtr == ':' || *parsePtr == '\n' || *parsePtr == '\r' || *parsePtr == ' ') ++parsePtr; ++bomCounter; if (bomCounter != MAX_FILES_IN_BOM) { errorMessage = "Too many files in BOM, max=" + String(MAX_FILES_IN_BOM); return; } } } void FSUpdater::checkForUpdates() { HTTPClient http; //http.begin("", "7a 9c f4 db 40 d3 62 5a 6e 21 bc 5c cc 66 c8 3e a1 45 59 38"); //HTTPS http.begin(baseUrl + "/" + swVersion + "/bom"); //HTTP Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET %s/%s/bom", baseUrl.c_str(), swVersion.c_str()); // start connection and send HTTP header int httpCode = http.GET(); // httpCode will be negative on error if (httpCode > 0) { if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { String payload = http.getString(); manageFsOtaBom(payload); } } else { Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str()); } http.end(); }