# A test app for Mongoose and SSD1306 (variant for Wemos 64x48 OLED display) ## Overview This is a simple app using the C interface only to create some content on the OLED display. ## How to build this app ### Locally - get local copy of the needed library: - mkdir libs - git clone https://gitea.pmpark.de/dirk/ssd1306dj libs/ssd1306dj - get source of testOled - git clone https://gitea.pmpark.de/dirk/MongooseESPWemosOled64x48 - cd MongooseESPWemosOled64x48 - mos build --local - flash your Wemos device with Oled 64x48 display - mos flash ### Remote (not yet finished, does not work!) - mos build --arch ESP8266 ## How to install this app - Install and start [mos tool](https://mongoose-os.com/software.html) - Switch to the Project page, find and import this app, build and flash it: