- - sys.esp32_adc_vref - i - 0 - title: ADC Vref, in mV - - bt - o - title: Bluetooth settings - - bt.enable - b - true - title: Enable BT - - bt.dev_name - s - "" - title: Device name; defaults to device.id - - bt.adv_enable - b - true - title: Advertise services - - bt.scan_rsp_data_hex - s - "" - title: Scan response data, hex-encoded - - bt.keep_enabled - b - false - title: By default, BT will be disabled once WiFi is configured and connects. Set this to true to keep BT enabled. - - bt.allow_pairing - b - true - title: Allow pairing/bonding with other devices - - bt.max_paired_devices - i - -1 - title: Max number of paired devices; -1 - no limit - - bt.random_address - b - true - title: Use random BT address - - bt.gatts - o - title: GATTS settings - - bt.gatts.min_sec_level - i - 0 - title: 0 - no auth required, 1 - encryption reqd, 2 - encryption + MITM reqd - - bt.gatts.require_pairing - b - false - title: Require device to be paired before accessing services - - bt.config_svc_enable - b - true - title: Enable the config service - - mjs - o - title: mJS settings - - mjs.generate_jsc - b - true - title: Generate .jsc file when executing any .js file - - rpc - o - title: RPC settings - - rpc.enable - b - true - title: Enable RPC - - rpc.max_frame_size - i - 4096 - title: Max Frame Size - - rpc.max_queue_length - i - 25 - title: Max Queue Length - - rpc.default_out_channel_idle_close_timeout - i - 10 - title: Default idle close timeout for outbound channels - - rpc.acl_file - s - title: File with RPC ACL JSON - - rpc.auth_domain - s - title: Realm to use for digest authentication - - rpc.auth_file - s - title: File with user credentials in the htdigest format - - rpc.ws - o - title: RPC over WebSocket settings - - rpc.ws.enable - b - true - title: Enable RPC over WebSocket - - rpc.ws.server_address - s - "" - title: Cloud server address - - rpc.ws.reconnect_interval_min - i - 1 - title: Minimal reconnect interval - - rpc.ws.reconnect_interval_max - i - 60 - title: Maximal reconnect interval - - rpc.ws.ssl_server_name - s - title: TLS Server Name - - rpc.ws.ssl_ca_file - s - title: TLS CA file - - rpc.ws.ssl_client_cert_file - s - title: TLS client cert file - - rpc.uart - o - title: RPC-over-UART settings - - rpc.uart.uart_no - i - title: UART number (-1 to disable) - - rpc.uart.baud_rate - i - 115200 - title: Baud rate - - rpc.uart.fc_type - i - 2 - title: 'Flow control: 0 - none, 1 - CTS/RTS, 2 - XON/XOFF' - - rpc.uart.wait_for_start_frame - b - true - title: Wait for an incoming frame before using the channel - - wifi - o - hide: true - - wifi.sta - o - title: WiFi Station - - wifi.sta.enable - b - title: Connect to existing WiFi - - wifi.sta.ssid - s - title: SSID - - wifi.sta.pass - s - title: Password type: password - - wifi.sta.user - s - title: Username for WPA-PEAP mode - - wifi.sta.anon_identity - s - title: Anonymous identity for WPA mode - - wifi.sta.cert - s - title: Client certificate for WPA-TTLS mode - - wifi.sta.key - s - title: Client key for WPA-TTLS mode - - wifi.sta.ca_cert - s - title: CA certificate for WPA-enterprise mode - - wifi.sta.ip - s - title: Static IP Address - - wifi.sta.netmask - s - title: Static Netmask - - wifi.sta.gw - s - title: Static Default Gateway - - wifi.sta.nameserver - s - title: DNS Server - - wifi.sta.dhcp_hostname - s - title: Host name to include in DHCP requests - - wifi.ap - o - title: WiFi Access Point - - wifi.ap.enable - b - true - title: Enable - - wifi.ap.ssid - s - Mongoose_?????? - title: SSID - - wifi.ap.pass - s - Mongoose - title: Password type: password - - wifi.ap.hidden - b - false - title: Hide SSID - - wifi.ap.channel - i - 6 - title: Channel - - wifi.ap.max_connections - i - 10 - title: Max connections - - wifi.ap.ip - s - - title: IP address - - wifi.ap.netmask - s - - title: Network Mask - - wifi.ap.gw - s - - title: Default Gateway - - wifi.ap.dhcp_start - s - - title: DHCP Start Address - - wifi.ap.dhcp_end - s - - title: DHCP End Address - - wifi.ap.trigger_on_gpio - i - -1 - title: Trigger AP on low GPIO - - wifi.ap.disable_after - i - 0 - title: If > 0, will disable itself after the specified number of seconds - - wifi.ap.hostname - s - "" - title: If not empty, DNS server will resolve given host name to the IP address of AP - - wifi.ap.keep_enabled - b - true - title: Keep AP enabled when station is on - - higrow - o - title: LilyGo HiGrow ESP32 Plant Sensor v1 App Settings - - higrow.deviceId - s - "" - title: DeviceId - - higrow.temperature - d - 0 - title: Temperature - - higrow.humidity - d - 0 - title: Humidity - - higrow.statuslight - i - 0 - title: Light - - higrow.moisture - i - 0 - title: Moisture - - higrow.connected - b - false - title: Connected - - wifi.sta.enable - false - - wifi.sta.ssid - "" - - wifi.sta.pass - "" - - wifi.ap.enable - false - - device.id - HiGrow_?????? - - bt.dev_name - HiGrowBT_