- Boards can be purchased directly from LilyGo on [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP32-WIFI-Bluetooth-battery-soil-Moisture-Senson-DHT/32815782900.html)
- Set your device `bt_devname` in the **mos.yml** file. In order for it to work with the HiGrow app, each name should start with "Higrow". According to HiGrow, this will be fixed in a future realease.
- Visit http://www.higrow.tech/en/ more info on the HiGrow project.
## How to install this app using MongooseOS
- Install and start [mos tool](https://mongoose-os.com/software.html)
- Switch to the Project page, find and import this app, build and flash it: