#include "SevenSegmentClock.h" static const uint16_t PixelCount = 4*7*3+3; #define colorSaturation 63 // Seven Segment Layout: 3 LEDs per segment // order of segments: // b // --- // a| |c // --- d // e| |g // --- // f #define SegmentsPerDigit 7 #define LedsPerSegment 3 #define LedsPerDigit (SegmentsPerDigit * LedsPerSegment) #define SeperatorLeds 3 /* num of leds as seperation between hours/mins */ #define SegOffset_a 0 #define SegOffset_b LedsPerSegment #define SegOffset_c LedsPerSegment*2 #define SegOffset_d LedsPerSegment*3 #define SegOffset_e LedsPerSegment*4 #define SegOffset_f LedsPerSegment*5 #define SegOffset_g LedsPerSegment*6 static const uint8_t digitOffset[] = { 0, LedsPerDigit, 2*LedsPerDigit+SeperatorLeds, 3*LedsPerDigit+SeperatorLeds }; #define Seg_a 0x01 #define Seg_b 0x02 #define Seg_c 0x04 #define Seg_d 0x08 #define Seg_e 0x10 #define Seg_f 0x20 #define Seg_g 0x40 #define decimalPointLed (2*LedsPerDigit) #define clockSeperatorLed1 (2*LedsPerDigit+1) #define clockSeperatorLed2 (2*LedsPerDigit+2) #define firstCharacterMapped 32u /* first char to be mapped is "space" */ #define lastCharacterMapped (sizeof(charMapping) + firstCharacterMapped) static const unsigned char PROGMEM charMapping[] = { /* 0x20, space */ 0, /* ! */ 0, /* " */ 0, /* # */ 0, /* $ */ 0, /* % */ 0, /* & */ 0, /* ' */ 0, /* ( */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* ) */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* * */ 0, /* + */ 0, /* - */ Seg_d, /* . */ 0, /* / */ Seg_e, /* 0 */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* 1 */ Seg_c + Seg_g, /* 2 */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* 3 */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* 4 */ Seg_a + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_g, /* 5 */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_d + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* 6 */ Seg_a + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* 7 */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_g, /* 8 */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* 9 */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_g, /* : */ 0, /* ; */ 0, /* < */ 0, /* = */ Seg_d + Seg_e, /* > */ 0, /* ? */ 0, /* @ */ 0, /* A */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_g, /* B */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* C */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* D */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* E */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* F */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_d + Seg_e, /* G */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* h */ Seg_a + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_g, /* I */ Seg_a + Seg_e, /* J */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* K */ Seg_a + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_g, /* L */ Seg_a + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* m */ Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_g, /* n */ Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_g, /* o */ Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* P */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e, /* q */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_g, /* r */ Seg_d + Seg_e, /* S */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_d + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* t */ Seg_a + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* U */ Seg_a + Seg_c + Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* v */ Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* w */ Seg_e + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* X */ Seg_a + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_g, /* Y */ Seg_a + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_g, /* Z */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_d + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* [ */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_e + Seg_f, /* \ */ Seg_a + Seg_d + Seg_g, /* ] */ Seg_b + Seg_c + Seg_f + Seg_g, /* ^ */ Seg_a + Seg_b + Seg_c, /* _ */ Seg_e, /* 3 hor. bars */ Seg_b + Seg_d + Seg_e, /* 2 hor. bars, top */ Seg_b + Seg_d, /* 1 hor. bar, top */ Seg_b, /* || */ Seg_a + Seg_c + Seg_e + Seg_g }; void SevenSegmentClock::displaySegment(unsigned int ledAddress, uint32_t color) { //Serial.print("displaySegment led="); Serial.print(ledAddress); Serial.print(" color=0x"); Serial.println(color, HEX); for (int i=0; isetPixelColor(ledAddress + i, color); } } void SevenSegmentClock::displayDigit(unsigned int digitNum, char charToDisplay) { unsigned int c = charToDisplay; uint32_t color; //Serial.print("displayDigit: digitNum="); Serial.print(digitNum); Serial.print(" char=0x"); Serial.println(charToDisplay, HEX); if (digitNum < 0 || digitNum > 3) { Serial.print("SevenSegmentClock::displayDigit: Invalid digit num "); Serial.println(digitNum); return; } int offset = digitOffset[digitNum]; //Serial.print("1st LED address="); Serial.println(offset); if (c < firstCharacterMapped || c > lastCharacterMapped) { Serial.print("ERROR: SevenSegmentClock::displayDigit - Cannot display character 0x"); Serial.print(c, HEX); Serial.print(" at digit position "); Serial.println(digitNum); return; } c -= firstCharacterMapped; //Serial.print("Check char mapping at index="); Serial.println(c); unsigned char mapping = pgm_read_byte(charMapping + c); //Serial.print("Char mapping="); Serial.println(mapping, HEX); color = (mapping & Seg_a) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_a, color); color = (mapping & Seg_b) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_b, color); color = (mapping & Seg_c) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_c, color); color = (mapping & Seg_d) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_d, color); color = (mapping & Seg_e) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_e, color); color = (mapping & Seg_f) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_f, color); color = (mapping & Seg_g) ? currentColor : black; displaySegment(offset + SegOffset_g, color); } void SevenSegmentClock::displaySeperator(char seperatorCharacter) { //Serial.print("displaySeperator: seperator="); Serial.println(seperatorCharacter); switch (seperatorCharacter) { case '.': case ',': strip->setPixelColor(decimalPointLed, currentColor); strip->setPixelColor(clockSeperatorLed1, black); strip->setPixelColor(clockSeperatorLed2, black); break; case ':': strip->setPixelColor(decimalPointLed, black); strip->setPixelColor(clockSeperatorLed1, currentColor); strip->setPixelColor(clockSeperatorLed2, currentColor); break; default: Serial.print("SevenSegmentClock::displaySeperator: Unknown character to be displayed: "); Serial.println(seperatorCharacter); case ' ': case 0: strip->setPixelColor(decimalPointLed, black); strip->setPixelColor(clockSeperatorLed1, black); strip->setPixelColor(clockSeperatorLed2, black); break; } } void SevenSegmentClock::displayTime(int hour, int minute) { clockHour = hour; clockMinute = minute; Serial.print("SevenSegmentClock: new time "); Serial.print(clockHour); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(clockMinute); displayUpdate(); }; void SevenSegmentClock::displayUpdate(void) { char displayText[4]; static int lastHour=0, lastMinute=0; static uint32_t lastUpdate_ms = 0; static uint32_t nextBlinkSwitch_ms = 0; static boolean currentlyBlinkOn = false; if (clockHour != lastHour || clockMinute != lastMinute || millis()-lastUpdate_ms > TIME_BETWEEN_DISPLAY_UPDATES_ms) { lastHour = clockHour; lastMinute = clockMinute; displayText[0] = (hour > 9) ? '0' + (hour/10) : ' '; displayText[1] = '0' + hour % 10; displayText[2] = '0' + minute / 10; displayText[3] = '0' + minute % 10; switch (blinkMode) { case NoBlinking: displayDigit(0, displayText[0]); displayDigit(1, displayText[1]); displayDigit(2, displayText[2]); displayDigit(3, displayText[3]); displaySeperator(':'); break; case ClockBlinking: if (currentlyBlinkOn) { displayDigit(0, displayText[0]); displayDigit(1, displayText[1]); displayDigit(2, displayText[2]); displayDigit(3, displayText[3]); displaySeperator(':'); } else { displayDigit(0, ' '); displayDigit(1, ' '); displayDigit(2, ' '); displayDigit(3, ' '); displaySeperator(' '); } if (millis() > nextBlinkSwitch_ms) { currentlyBlinkOn = !currentlyBlinkOn; nextBlinkSwitch_ms = millis() + (currentlyBlinkOn ? BLINK_ON_TIME_ms : BLINK_OFF_TIME_ms); } break; case SeperatorBlinking: displayDigit(0, displayText[0]); displayDigit(1, displayText[1]); displayDigit(2, displayText[2]); displayDigit(3, displayText[3]); if (currentlyBlinkOn) { displaySeperator(':'); } else { displaySeperator(' '); } if (millis() > nextBlinkSwitch_ms) { currentlyBlinkOn = !currentlyBlinkOn; nextBlinkSwitch_ms = millis() + (currentlyBlinkOn ? BLINK_ON_TIME_ms : BLINK_OFF_TIME_ms); } break; case DecimalPointBlinking: displayDigit(0, displayText[0]); displayDigit(1, displayText[1]); displayDigit(2, displayText[2]); displayDigit(3, displayText[3]); if (currentlyBlinkOn) { displaySeperator('.'); } else { displaySeperator(' '); } if (millis() > nextBlinkSwitch_ms) { currentlyBlinkOn = !currentlyBlinkOn; nextBlinkSwitch_ms = millis() + (currentlyBlinkOn ? BLINK_ON_TIME_ms : BLINK_OFF_TIME_ms); } break; } strip->show(); Serial.print("Shown: "); Serial.print(displayText[0]); Serial.print(displayText[1]); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(displayText[2]); Serial.println(displayText[3]); lastUpdate_ms = millis(); } } uint32_t SevenSegmentClock::red, SevenSegmentClock::green, SevenSegmentClock::blue, SevenSegmentClock::white, SevenSegmentClock::black; uint8_t SevenSegmentClock::LedDataPin; Adafruit_NeoPixel *SevenSegmentClock::strip; void SevenSegmentClock::begin(void) { Serial.println("Init Neopixels ..."); Serial.print("LED pin="); Serial.println(LedDataPin); Serial.print("Pixels="); Serial.println(PixelCount); SevenSegmentClock::strip = new Adafruit_NeoPixel(PixelCount, LedDataPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); strip->begin(); SevenSegmentClock::red = strip->Color(colorSaturation, 0, 0); SevenSegmentClock::green = strip->Color(0, colorSaturation, 0); SevenSegmentClock::blue = strip->Color(0, 0, colorSaturation); SevenSegmentClock::white = strip->Color(colorSaturation, colorSaturation, colorSaturation); SevenSegmentClock::black = strip->Color(0, 0, 0); SevenSegmentClock::currentColor = SevenSegmentClock::white; // strip->show(); // boot animation uint32_t colors[] = { red, green, blue, white }; unsigned int colorIndex = 0; for (int i=0; isetPixelColor(i, colors[colorIndex++]); if (colorIndex > sizeof(colors)) colorIndex = 0; } strip->show(); delay(2000); }